Filtering Records

Certain endpoints allow you to filter your records according to certain attributes. Let's take a look at this process.

# Filtering injuries by created_at date

curl \\?api_token=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456 \
  -s \
  -G \
 -d created_at[gt]=12/15/2016 \
 -d created_at[lt]=12/23/2016

The above code will retrieve injuries that have a created_at date greater than (after) 12/15/2016 and less than (before) 12/23/2016. Other date filtering options are below:

Date Filtering OperatorsMeaning
eq"equal to"
gt"greater than"
lt"less than"
gteq"greater than or equal to"
lteq"less than or equal to"

These date filtering operators can be combined like in the example above, to provide more flexible queries. Only several endpoints allow this type of filtering at the moment. However check back soon, as this list is expected to increase. Please refer to the table below for endpoints that currently allow filtering:

Filterable endpoint URIDescriptionFilterable Attributes
/billing_providers/:id/injuriesList Injuries for Billing Providerclaim_number, created_at, updated_at
/billing_providers/:id/remittancesList Remittances for Billing Providercreated_at, effective_date, deposited_on
/patients/:id/injuriesList Injuries for Patientclaim_number, created_at, updated_at
/billing_providers/:id/billsList Bills for Billing Providercreated_at, updated_at, date_of_service
/billing_providers/:id/pharmacy_billsList Pharmacy Bills for Billing Providercreated_at, updated_at, date_of_service
/billing_providers/:id/tasksList Tasks for Billing Providercompleted, created_at, updated_at, due_date
/billing_providersList of Billing Providerscreated_at, updated_at
/claims_administratorsList of Claims Administratorscreated_at, updated_at
/patientsList of Patientscreated_at, updated_at
/billing_providers/:id/referring_providersList Referring Providers for Billing Providercreated_at, updated_at
/billing_providers/:id/rendering_providersList Rendering Providers for Billing Providercreated_at, updated_at
/billing_providers/:id/eventsList Eventstype, created_at
billing_providers/:id/requesting_physiciansList Requesting Physicianscreated_at, updated_at, npi
billing_providers/:id/practice_contactsList Practice Contactscreated_at, updated_at, email
billing_providers/:id/practice_locationsList Practice Locationscreated_at, updated_at