Webhook Payloads and Supported Event Types

The payload of each webhook contains information about the event in the resource key inside the payload key and will match the structure of what is returned by the corresponding API endpoint. Updated events have an additional key, previous_attributes, also inside the payload key, which represents the resource before it was updated.

The webhook request will also contain additional information such as the event type, the event source, the billing provider, and user information.

Example task.created event webhook payload

  "created_at": "2021-11-29T05:24:06.838-08:00",
  "version": "1",
  "event_source": "Web",
  "id": "2367bb67-7ffc-4e72-c553-9bef5c8d1bb5",
  "type": "task.created",
  "payload": {
    "resource": {
      "created_at": "2021-11-29T05:24:06.720-08:00",
      "updated_at": "2021-11-29T05:24:06.720-08:00",
      "id": 9999999,
      "due_date": "2021-11-29",
      "message": "Injury Failed Review",
      "links": [
          "rel": "bill",
          "href": "/api/v1/bills/99999"
          "rel": "assigned_user",
          "href": "/api/v1/users/999999"
  "billing_provider": {
    "id": 0
  "user": {
    "email": "[email protected]"

Supported Event Types

bill.createdSent when a bill is created.
bill.deletedSent when a bill is deleted.
bill.updatedSent when a bill is updated.
bill_payment.createdSent when a bill payment is created.
bill_payment.updatedSent when a bill payment is updated.
bill_submission.createdSent when a bill submission is created.
billing_provider.createdSent when a billing provider is created.
billing_provider.updatedSent when a billing provider is updated.
contact.createdSent when a contact is created.
contact.deletedSent when a contact is deleted.
contact.updatedSent when a contact is updated.
injury.createdSent when an injury is created.
injury.deletedSent when an injury is deleted.
injury.updatedSent when an injury is updated.
injury_note.createdSent when an injury note is created.
injury_note.deletedSent when an injury note is deleted.
injury_note.updatedSend when an injury note is updated.
institutional_provider.createdSent when an institutional provider is created.
institutional_provider.deletedSent when an institutional provider is deleted.
institutional_provider.updatedSent when an institutional provider is updated.
patient.createdSent when a patient is created.
patient.deletedSent when a patient is deleted.
patient.updatedSent when a patient is updated.
place_of_service.createdSent when a place of service is created.
place_of_service.deletedSent when a place of service is deleted.
place_of_service.updatedSent when a place of service is updated.
practice_contact.createdSent when a practice contact is created.
practice_contact.deletedSent when a practice contact is deleted.
practice_contact.updatedSent when a practice contact is updated.
practice_location.createdSent when a practice location is created.
practice_location.deletedSent when a practice location is deleted.
practice_location.updatedSent when a practice location is updated.
prescribing_provider.createdSent when a prescribing provider is created.
prescribing_provider.deletedSent when a prescribing provider is deleted.
prescribing_provider.updatedSent when a prescribing provider is updated.
referring_provider.createdSent when a referring provider is created.
referring_provider.deletedSent when a referring provider is deleted.
referring_provider.updatedSent when a referring provider is updated.
remittance.createdSent when a remittance is created.
remittance.updatedSent when a remittance is updated.
rendering_provider.createdSent when a rendering provider is created.
rendering_provider.deletedSent when a rendering provider is deleted.
rendering_provider.updatedSent when a rendering provider is updated.
request_for_authorization.createdSent when a request for authorization is created.
request_for_authorization.deletedSent when a request for authorization is deleted.
request_for_authorization.updatedSent when a request for authorization is updated.
request_for_authorization_decision.createdSent when a request for authorization decision is created.
request_for_authorization_decision.deletedSent when a request for authorization decision is deleted.
request_for_authorization_decision.updatedSent when a request for authorization decision is updated.
request_for_authorization_fax_route.createdSent when a request for authorization fax route is created.
request_for_authorization_fax_route.deletedSent when a request for authorization fax route is deleted.
request_for_authorization_fax_route.updatedSent when a request for authorization fax route is updated.
request_for_authorization_forward.createdSent when a request for authorization forward is created.
request_for_authorization_task.completedSent when a request for authorization task is completed.
request_for_authorization_task.createdSent when a request for authorization task is created.
request_for_authorization_task.updatedSent when a request for authorization task is updated.
requesting_physician.createdSent when a requesting physician is created.
requesting_physician.deletedSent when a requesting physician is deleted.
requesting_physician.updatedSent when a requesting physician is updated.
rfa_submission.createdSent when a request for authorization submission is created.
task.completedSent when a task is completed.
task.createdSent when a task is created.
task.deletedSent when a task is deleted.
task.updatedSent when a task is updated.